Pupil Progress
The School produces a School-wide Pupil Progress Summary Report for the previous academic year. The report outlines the progress pupils made towards achieving their targets detailed in their Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP).
Outcomes and related targets are specified in EHCPs across the four broad areas of need, including: Communication & Interaction, Cognition & Learning, Social, Emotional & Mental Health and Sensory & Physical.
Individual pupil progress against the outcomes in each of the four areas of need is monitored and analysed at Jigsaw by considering assessment information on short and long-term objectives achieved towards each EHCP outcome and target. Individual pupil progress is described in terms of expected, below expected and above expected progress.
Judgments on individual pupil progress are made for each area of need using the following criteria:
- Expected progress – pupil has made progress on at least 50% of long-term objectives/EHCP targets. Progress is defined as either meeting the overall long-term objective or meeting short -term objectives within a long-term objective.
- Below expected progress – pupil has made progress on less than 50% of long-term objectives/EHCP targets.
- Above expected progress – pupil has met at least 85% of long-term objectives/EHCP targets.
We aim for 80% of our pupils to be making at least expected progress within each area of need. Expected progress is a substantial achievement for pupils at Jigsaw as it means that at least 50% of their EHCP targets or long-term objectives linked to EHCP targets are met within an academic year. A long-term objective may include a number of short-term objectives where a skill has been broken down into smaller, manageable steps. Meeting a series of short–term objectives is also considered as progress as it demonstrates continuous learning and improvement.
You can download the most recent copy of the School-wide Pupil Progress Summary Report here.