Parent Information
In addition to the separate Calendar page this page contains helpful information for Parents in case of bad weather closure, reporting of absences, etc.
Reporting of Absences
Parents should follow the School’s absence reporting policy and inform school via [email protected] or 01483 273874 of their child’s absence due to unexpected circumstances (eg. illness).
For absences that are known about in advance (eg. medical appointment), please complete the Pupil Absence Request form and email this to the attendance email above.
It would be extremely helpful, if at all possible, all absence information is emailed to enable us to distribute relevant information more efficiently to staff who need to be made aware. Thank you.
To request any items of uniform, please submit the following form to our Admin office with payment.
Uniform Request Form: download
In the event of closure (eg. due to bad weather, lack of heating, etc)
Please note that Jigsaw operates on the principle that, unless specifically notified by us, we will be open.
Updates regarding any closure of the school will posted on our websites as soon as the decision to close has been made. Any closure notice posted will only be relevant for the day it is posted, ie. unless a further notification is made, Jigsaw will re-open as planned the next morning.
Jigsaw parents and carers will also receive a text and email message via our own messaging service advising of any closure.
Please note that parents are responsible for ensuring their child is collected from school in accordance with the closure notification and in a timely manner, whether this is to collect themselves or by their usual transport company. If you collect yourself, it remains your responsibility to notify your transport company of any change to the usual routine.
Transport cancellations
It is possible that transport companies may take the decision not to provide transport to school, if conditions are severe and unsafe – this decision will be taken independently of whether the school is open or closed, and will be based on the road conditions in the child’s home area and any information the transport company has about the road conditions in the child’s school area and in between.
If children have been taken to school in the morning by their transport provider and the weather severely worsens during the day and is not safe to provide return transport, it is parents/carers responsibility to collect their child as soon as possible.
If a child’s morning transport has been cancelled due to adverse weather, parents should assume that transport will be cancelled for the afternoon journey. If parents/carers decide to bring their child into school themselves, they will be responsible for collecting their child or ensuring collection is in place and notifying school of those arrangements.
Where a child travels by taxi, and the taxi service will not be operating due to the weather conditions, the taxi company is required to contact the parents of the children on their routes to advise them. Taxi companies are then required to advise the school and LA if any of their routes have been cancelled.
Parents MUST complete a ‘Parental Request and Consent to Administer Medication’ form before the School can administer medication. Attach the form to an email or send in with the medication ensuring you have notified the school by 9.15am that medication is being sent in – [email protected]. Parents who transport their child to school must hand in any medication, together with a completed form, to reception in person.
Download a form here.
Please note that medicines will only be administered if written parental consent has been provided. Please ensure you have read the Guidelines for Parents/Carers included on the form.
- The term ‘medicine’ or ‘medication’ applies to all prescribed medicines and drugs, over-the-counter medicines and drugs obtained from a chemist, over-the-counter creams, ointments and lotions, home-remedies such as pain relief or cold remedies.
- We are unable to administer homeopathic or herbal medicines without specific instructions from a medical professional.
- Where possible the need for medicines to be administered at school should be avoided. Parents/guardians are, therefore, requested to arrange the timing of doses accordingly.
- Prescription medicines must be prescribed by a UK Medical Practitioner and provided in their original container and packaging with the pharmacy label in tact. Prescription labelsmust clearly state the dosage, frequency and/or time that the medication is to be administered, cautionary advice and instructions for administration. Prescription medicine will be administered according to the pharmacy label instructions.
- Non-prescribed medicines must be provided in their original container and packaging and they be administered according to manufacturer’s instructions.
- Jigsaw School will not administer non-prescribed medicines for longer than 48 hours without authorisation from a medical practitioner.
- Aspirin will only be given to a child/young person under 16 if prescribed.
Please refer to our Policies page for more information including our ‘Managing and Administering Medication within Schooling’ Policy.