Contact Jigsaw

For all Admissions enquiries please visit the Admissions page for more information.  Alternatively, if you have a general enquiry, please complete the form below.

If you are planning on visiting, can we please ask that you review our Visitor Information ahead of your visit – this can be found on the ‘Visitor Information’ page of our main Jigsaw Trust website. We have a downloadable Visitor Guide, Privacy Notice for Visitors & Contractors, and a short Introduction to Safeguarding Video. Thank you for your support.

Jigsaw CABAS School
Building 20
Dunsfold Park*
Surrey, GU6 8TB

*Please note, access to Dunsfold Park is from the A281 via the main security gate only.

T: 01483 273874 (main reception)
E: [email protected]

Jigsaw Members

Headteacher, Director of Education & CABAS® Senior Behaviour Analyst:  Emma Hawkins, PhD, PGCE, BCBA

Deputy Headteacher: Mariann Szabo, MA, BEd, CABAS® Behaviour Analyst

Designated Safeguarding Lead: [email protected]

Chair of the Board of Governors: ℅ [email protected]

CEO Jigsaw Trust: Kate Grant, MSc, ACIS, BCBA

Human Resources: [email protected]

Admissions:  [email protected]

Fundraising: [email protected]


To learn more or to ask us anything just complete the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.