An independent School for autistic children aged 4-19
Jigsaw CABAS® School is an independent day school for autistic children and young people.
Jigsaw CABAS School is rated “Outstanding” by Ofsted.
The School is a positive environment with expert and dedicated staff delivering individualised curriculum focused on promoting effective learning, the ability to learn in new ways and to learn independently.
Jigsaw ensures the best outcomes possible enabling all our pupils reach their full potential both at school and at home.
“Our daughter’s achievements are nothing short of extraordinary. It isn’t just the teaching and expertise that needs highlighting – it is reflecting on what an adult life would have looked like for her without these skills.” (Jigsaw Parent 2023)
Placements are welcomed from a wide range of Local Authorities including Surrey, West Sussex, Hampshire and London. Providing places for up to 80 children aged 4–19 we can assess pupils across all Key Stages throughout the school year. The School operates for 40 weeks per year divided into three terms. Please visit the Admissions page for further information.
“Mankind owes to the child the best it has to give”
United Nations Declaration

Quicklink to Ofsted’s Parent View pages.
Jigsaw CABAS School is supported by Jigsaw Trust, a UK registered charity.