Question and Answers relating to Jigsaw School
- What is the catchment area of Jigsaw School?Jigsaw School is located on Dunsfold Park, near Cranleigh in Surrey. We take pupils from a wide catchment area; the criteria is travelling distance: 1 hour maximum for Primary aged pupils and 1 hour 30 minutes maximum for Secondary aged pupils.
- Does Jigsaw have an Ofsted report?Jigsaw School has been recognised as "OUTSTANDING" by Ofsted. The latest report can be found on our Reports & Policies page.
- What is CABAS®?CABAS® stands for The Comprehensive Application of Behaviour Analysis to Schooling a research-driven system-wide approach providing individualised programmes for children and young people with and without disabilities. It was developed by R. Douglas Greer PhD and colleagues of Teachers College, Columbia University over 35 years ago. As a CABAS school our goals are to accelerate children’s learning, the ability to learn in new ways, and to acquire the ability to learn independently. It is also as important that children learn to expand their community of reinforcers, or passionate interests, as it is to teach them to do things they could not do without special instruction. You can read more on our Teaching & Learning pages.
- Does my child need an autism diagnosis to get a placement?All pupils placed at Jigsaw School have an autism diagnosis - Jigsaw is an autism specific school.
- Do you hold Open Mornings?We do arrange visits as part of our admissions process, but please call us for an initial, confidential, conversation with our Admissions Manager who can discuss your individual circumstances and the most appropriate next steps.
- Does my child need an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) to get a placement?All pupils have an EHCP where Jigsaw School is named in Section 1 of the Plan.
- Who makes the decision as to whether my child will get a place at the School?Jigsaw School is part of the Local Authorities Local Offer whereby a Local Authority places children at the School. We work closely with 13 Local Authorities and have good positive relationships with the Local Authority Case Officers who are knowledgeable about our admissions criteria.
- What do I need to do to get a placement for my child at Jigsaw?Once you have spoken with our Admissions Manager and viewed the School , you can go back to your Case Officer and request that they consult with us for a placement. Routes to placement are dependent upon a number of different factors and we would recommend you speak to our Admissions Manager in the first instance who will be able to guide you through the various steps you'll need to take towards a placement at Jigsaw.
- How will my child be assessed for a place at the School?We will invite you and your child to come into School for a visit followed by a more formal assessment with the Admissions Team. Sometimes we need to complete more than one assessment at School. If we believe we can meet the needs of your child we will offer you a place, a potential start date and send an offer letter to your Local Authority.
- Do you take pupils throughout the year?Yes, we are able to take pupils throughout the year as long as there is a place available and the Local Authority agrees to fund the placement.
- Will there be a transition to enable my child to settle into the School?Yes, pupils start 3x half days per week for the first 2 weeks to enable them to settle into the School quickly. Individual transition requirements will be discussed as part of your admissions process.
- How will I know about the School day and uniform?You will be invited to an Introductory Parent Meeting to meet the team who will support your child at School. This team includes the Supervisory, SLT, OT and Administrative staff.
- How will my child get to School?Usually the Local Authority provides transport as part of the placement package. Most of our pupils come to the School in taxis and have a personal assistant to keep them occupied and safe on the journey. This is something that will be discussed during the formal admissions process.
- What additional expertise do you have at Jigsaw?Across the School and JigsawPlus we have a number of BCBAs (Board Certified Behaviour Analysts). All of our teaching staff work through the CABAS® training programme and we have a number of certified behaviour analysts with the CABAS® Board working across the School and JigsawPlus. In addition we have regular visiting CABAS® Consultants including Senior Behaviour Analysts and Research Scientists plus a Therapy Team consisting of Occupational Therapists and Speech & Language Therapists. See our Staff page for more info.
- What is JigsawPlus?JigsawPlus provides further vocational, educational and wellbeing services for adults (18 years and over) with autism and related disabilities at our Centre for Lifelong Learning. You can find out much more about the specialist day services offered by JigsawPlus by visiting the website.