
The Board of Governors comprises parent representatives and independent parties and is the governing body of the School. Monitoring pairs are set up within the Governing Body to monitor and report on the School’s progress towards planned development and to ensure that standards and best practice are maintained.

To contact the Chair of the Board of Governors, please write ℅ Clerk, Jigsaw CABAS® School, Building 20, Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8TB or Email: [email protected]

Governor Mark Jewsbury (Co-Chair)
Governor Neville Moriarty (Co-Chair)
Governor Adam Dalton (Vice-Chair)
Governor Victoria Woods (Safeguarding)
Parent Governor Owain Lewis (eSafety)
Parent Governor Matt Jane
Governor Sarah Collyer
Governor Laura Craven
Governor Jill Kiely
Staff Governor Hayley Locke
ex officio Staff Governor Kate Grant (CEO)
ex officio Staff Governor Emma Hawkins

In the interests of transparency, please find information relating to the register of interests and attendance at meetings of members of the school governing body by clicking HERE.


Jigsaw Trust has a Board of Trustees:

Please find below a list of Jigsaw’s current Board of Trustees 

Trustee Jill Kiely (Chair)
Trustee Graham Prothero (Vice Chair)
Trustee Ama Amofa
Parent Trustee Mary Asante
Trustee Samuel Barber
Trustee Russell Jewell
Parent Trustee Mark Jewsbury
Trustee Colin Kearney
CEO Kate Grant

To contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees, please write c/o Clerk, Jigsaw Trust, Building 20, Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8TB or Email: [email protected]