Sleep difficulties are growing amongst children and young people and are particularly common in young people with special educational needs. In 2020, NASS (National Association of Independent Schools & Non-Maintained Special Schools) and Hunrosa Sleep Consultancy developed the ‘Sleep Right’ Resource aimed at supporting schools to improve the quality and quantity of sleep for children and young people in their schools.
We are proud to announce that Jigsaw School has successfully been awarded with the ‘Sleep Right’ CPD Standards Office accreditation following completion of the training course by our ABA Consultant, Edi Middleton. The training involved looking into how sleep works, sleep science, sleep needs, how to gain good quality sleep, bedroom environment and bedtimes, anxiety, sensory needs, sleep strategies and methods, how to know if there’s a sleep problem and what to do. We are delighted to be recognised as a ‘Sleep Right’ school.