Jigsaw School pupils enjoyed National Coding Week last week and completed a number of different activities during the week.
Successful Variety Golf Charity Event
Teams of generous golfers enjoyed a successful Variety Golf Charity Event on Thursday 7 September in support of Jigsaw Trust charity.
Pupils create van Gogh inspired artwork for assembly topic
Pupils in our Early Years Class have been busy creating a van Gogh inspired piece of artwork.
Using Proloquo2Go Parent Workshop
One of our upcoming Parent Education sessions will be focusing on the use of Proloquo2Go. We use Proloquo2Go to support communication at Jigsaw.
Jigsaw is fundraising for 2 on site Defibrillators
Fundraising! Jigsaw is looking to purchase two defibrillators – one each for Jigsaw School and JigsawPlus.
Jigsaw raises money for Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) 2023
On Friday 17th March we took part in activities to raise money for Comic Relief. It was a really fun day with activities for both pupils and staff to take part in.
Jigsaw School Parent Outreach Upcoming Workshops
Jigsaw School is pleased to be hosting two upcoming Parent Education sessions on the Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Managing Sleep Issues.
Guildford Lions Club host Charity Golf Day – advance notice
Calling all golfers! Our friends at Guildford Lions Club are, once again, kindly hosting a Charity Golf Day supporting Jigsaw on Friday 1 September 2023. Entries are now open!
Mayor of Waverley hosts Charity Variety Concert to support Jigsaw
The Mayor of Waverley is supporting Jigsaw (one of his chosen Charities of the Year) by hosting a Charity Variety Concert on Friday, 17 March at the Aldridge Theatre, Frensham Heights near Farnham, featuring musicians from Frensham Heights School along with the well-known Rock Choir.
Parent Education session – February
Our next Parent Education session is due to take place later this week for parents of pupils in Key Stage 2.