Archives: FAQs

What happens if one of your staff members goes abroad or I take my child abroad

Overseas travel is subject to changing rules and regulations and as such, our response depends entirely on the prevailing government guidance at the time of travel. No member of staff or pupil/learner will be allowed to return to Jigsaw unless all relevant guidance has been met.

What should I do if I cannot get a test or have not received my test results

If you are unable to get a test or have not received your results, continue to self-isolate. You can take an LFD test on Day 5 and Day 6 (Day 0 is the onset day of symptoms) and if these are negative you are able to stop self-isolation and return to school.  If you receive […]

What will you do if someone tests positive

If someone is confirmed as positive, they are requested to self-isolate for a minimum of 5 days, returning to site following two consecutive LFD negative results on Day 5 and Day 6 at the earliest. If we have a number of cases, we will notify relevant authorities as appropriate. We continue to have an enhanced […]

What would you do if my son/daughter becomes symptomatic at School

In the event of a learner (or staff member) becoming symptomatic on site, they will be required to leave site and obtain a confirmatory PCR test as soon as possible, remaining offsite until the result of the test is known.  Families will be advised of the current government self-isolation and testing guidance via email.

Do you use PPE

We routinely use PPE where necessary and are guided by individual learners’ risk assessments in addition to best practice and any guidance that may be provided during exceptional circumstances (eg. pandemic).

Does Jigsaw have a risk assessment in place

Yes. It is a living document continually under review by our Business Continuity Team. We have chosen to publish this document periodically on our main Jigsaw Trust website. However, it is important to be aware that as this is a working, evolving document responsive to the ongoing situation, if you wish to see the very […]